Control of Ascariasis

Kitap : Control of Ascariasis

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Hekimlik

Yayın Yeri : Geneva

Yayın Tarihi : 1967

Yayıncı : World Health Organization WHO

Tür : Rapor

Kitap No : 3053


1. Global public health importance of ascariasis.
1.1 Prevalence ..............
1.2 Intensity of infection
1.3 Mortality and morbidity.
1.4 Nutritional relationships
1.5 Animal ascarids transmitted to man . .
2. Epidemiological and biological parameters related to control. . .
2.1 Methods for prevalence surveys
2.2 Measurements and estimates of intensity
2.3 Measurements of extent of soil and environmental contami­nation with Ascaris eggs (including the determination of their viability)
2.4 The reproductive potential of Ascaris in relation to the natural life-span of adults and eggs
2.5 Prevalence and intensity trends in industrialized countries in the absence of measures specifically directed to control
3. Approaches to control
3.1 Mass chemotherapy
3.2 Environmental measures
3.3 Health education
3.4 Past experience with combined measures
3.5 Relative value of single or combined approaches to control
4. Organizational aspects of ascariasis control.
4.1 Organization required
4.2 The programme.
4.3 Alternative measures
5. Research needs
6. Recommendations
Annex 1. Techniques for faecal examination
Annex 2. Technique for examination of soil for helminth eggs . . . Annex 3. Elixir of piperazine citrate


Report of a WHO Expert Committee Technical Report Series No.379