Studies In Family Planning
İÇİNDEKİLERContents ARTICLES 187 Maternal-Child Health and Family Planning: User Perspectives and Service Constraints in Rural Bangladesh Ruth Simmons, Michael A. Koenig, and A.A. Zahidul Huque 197 Pregnancy Termination and the Law in Nigeria Isabella Okagbue REPORTS 209 The Impact of Service Delivery Frequency on Family Planning Program Output and Efficiency James R. Foreit, James E. Rosen, Miguel Ramos, Eduardo Mostajo, and Rosa Monge 216 Fertility Intentions and Subsequent Behavior: A Longitudinal Study in Rural India Carol Vlassoff 226 Toward Consistency in Breastfeeding Definitions Miriam Labbok and Katherine Krasovec COMMENTARY 231 Observations on Abortion in Zambia Mary Ann Castle, Rosemary Likwa, and Maxine Whittaker DATA 236 Ghana 1988: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey 241 CURRENT PUBLICATIONS |