Journal Of European Social Policy

Kitap : Journal Of European Social Policy

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Politika

Yayın Yeri : London

ISSN : 0958-9287

Cilt : 11/2

Periyot : 4 ayda bir

Yayın Tarihi : Mayıs 2001

Yayıncı : Sage Publications

Kitap No : 2462


Sex and gender discrimination within EU pension systems - Sigrid Leitner
Conceptual innovation and public policy: unemployment and paid leave schemes in Denmark - Hugh Cotnpston and Per Kongshoj Madsen
Sustaining state welfare in hard times: who will foot the bill? - Peter Taylor-Gooby
Lone motherhood, ideal type care regimes and the case of Austria - Monika Strell and
Simon Duncan
Research Notes
Social assistance regimes: a cluster analysis -- lan Gough
The European Research Network on Men in Europe: the social problem of men -Keith Pringle, Jeff Hearn, Ursula Mueller, Elzbieta Oleksy, Janna Chernova, Harry Ferguson, 0ystein Holter, Voldemar Kolga,Irina Novikova, Tamar Pitch, Carmine Ventimiglia, Emmi Lattu, Eivind Olsvik and Jackie Millett
European Briefing
Digest by Cecile Barbier, Philippe Pochet and Caroline de la Porte
Book Review
Katharina Müller, The Political Economy of Pension Reform in Central-Eastern Europe 3 Reviewed by Jiri Vecernik
Books Received