European Urban And Regional Studies

Kitap : European Urban And Regional Studies

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Politika

Yayın Yeri : U.S.A

ISSN : 0969 7764

Cilt : 9/3

Periyot : üç aylık

Yayın Tarihi : Temmuz 2002

Yayıncı : Sage Publications

Tür : Süreli Yayın

Kitap No : 2458


From Museum to Mass Entcrtainment: The Evolution of the
Role of Museums In Cities Irina van Aalst and Inez Boogaarts
In Search of a European Edge Urban idenlity: Trans-European Networking Among Edge Urban Municipalities A! A. Pfoelps, D Mi-fteitt and ,V Parsons
Development In Europe: Theoretical Models and international Comparisons (iuvt(cMno
Quality: Heftional Protection and the Alternative Geography of FIKK! JWdmtas flarrtttt. ,ata$ba Wilsmi and Jonathan Murducb
Poland - Can Regional Policy Mt-et the Challenge of Regional Problems? George ttlazyva, Ktystton tieftner ami iietinska-Hugbes