Trends, Issues and Approaches:An Overview

Kitap : Trends, Issues and Approaches:An Overview

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Kadın

Yayın Yeri : Switzerland

ISBN : 92-2-110839-2

Cilt : 1

Yayın Tarihi : Ocak 2000

Yayıncı : International Labour Office (ILO)

Tür : Kitapçık

Kitap No : 2071


Table of contents
List of acronyms and abbreviations Preliminary note Modular structure
Session 1: Facts and Figures: Poverty,
Gender and Employment Worldwide
A. Poverty in the world
Introductory remarks A.1 General trends
B. Gender and poverty: Disaggregating figures
B.1 Social indicators: Women lag behind men B.2 Women are over-represented among the poor B.3 Poor households headed by women are increasing B.4 Factors behind the rise in female headship
C. Gender, employment patterns and poverty: Basic trends
C.1 Increasing numbers of women in the labour force
C.2 Unemployment rates are higher among women
C.3 Disadvantages in the labour market
C.4 Wage inequities continue
C.5 Women's reliance on self-employment
To summarize Bibliography

Session 2: Poverty: Evolving Concepts and Development Strategies
A. Concepts as tools for analysis and policy design
A.1 Different meanings and views: The need for clear frameworks
A.2 Defining and measuring poverty: Evolution
from income consumption indicators to concepts of autonomy and dignity
A.3 Other characteristics of poverty
A.4 Poverty and other related concepts
A.5 Gender analysis and poverty
B. Development strategies and poverty: The evolving debate
B.1 Economic advancement with comprehensive social safety nets
B.2 Pattern of economic growth: Modern versus traditional sectors
B.3 Accelerated economic growth or structural change
B.4 Development strategies and poverty
B.5 Structural adjustment and poverty
B.6 The evolving debate on gender and development
B.7 Globalization, development and poverty
C. National and international agenda:
Renewed commitments
C.1 World Summit for Social Development, Copenhagen, 1995
C.2 Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 1995 C.3 The ILO and other international organizations
To summarize Bibliography

Session 3:
Gender, Poverty and Employment: Strategies for Action
A. Approaches to poverty eradication
A.1 Access to assets
A.2 Sectoral policies for restructuring production
A.3 Policies for reducing labour market vulnerability and expanding access
A.4 Direct resource transfers to the poor A.5 The organization of the poor
B. Poverty and employment: The ILO approach
B.1 Linking poverty to employment
B.2 Breaking out of poverty through productive employment
B.3 Policy reform and direct interventions: A complementary duo
C. Gender, poverty and employment: An ILO perspective
C.1 Main arguments
C.2 Actions in interrelated areas
C.3 Policy reform and direct interventions: A complementary duo
C.4 ILO action concentrated in four clusters of activities
To summarize

1. Poverty incidence by developing region, 1985 and 1990
2. Population living on less than US$1 a day in developing economies, 1987 and 1993
3. Inequality and poverty in selected transition economies
4. Human poverty in developing countries (millions)