Safety in the use of synthetic vitreous fibre insulation wools (glass wool,rock wool,slag wool)
İÇİNDEKİLERContentsPreface Introduction 1. Scope and purpose 1.1. Scope 1.2. Purpose 2. Principles and approaches 2.1. Organizational measures 2.2. Procedures 2.3. Classification of hazards 2.4. Exposure limits 3. General duties 3.1. Manufacturers 3.2. Suppliers and importers 3.3. Building clients, designers and specifiers 3.4. Employers 3.5. Workers 3.6. Competent authority 4. General measures of prevention and protectio 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Choice of insulation 4.3. Product information 4.4. Material safety data sheets and labels . 4.5. Packaging 4.6. Transport and storage 4.7. Engineering and technical measures 4.8. Sanitary facilities and other measures 4.9. Protective clothing 4.10. Personal protective equipment . . . . 4.11. Housekeeping and cleaning 4.12. Waste management and disposal . . . Insulation wools 5. Specific measures of prevention and protection 5.1. General 5.2. Batt and blanket insulation 5.3. Blown insulation in attics 5.4. Spray-applied insulation 5.5. Cavity fill insulation 5.6. Boiler, oven and pipe insulation 5.7. Muffler insulation 5.8. Board insulation 5.9. Uncured insulation 5.10. Insulation wool ceiling tiles 5.11. Removal and maintenance work 6. Information, education, training and expertise 6.1. General 6.2. Advisory services 7. Surveillance of the working environment 7.1. Monitoring of the workplace 7.2. Personal and static monitoring guidelines 7.3. Measuring methods and strategy 7.4. Record-keeping 7.5. Interpretation and application of monitoring data 8. Surveillance of workers' health 8.1. General principles 8.2. Medical examinations 9. Glossary Appendix A: Systems of classification Appendix B: Exposure limits in various countries (as of October 2000) Appendix C: Exposures in manufacture and use Appendix D: Example of a format for risk assessments and action plans Index |