More & Better Jobs For Women an action guide

Kitap : More & Better Jobs For Women an action guide

Yazar : * Lin Lean Lim

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Kadın

Yayın Yeri : Geneva

ISBN : 92-2-109459-6

Yayın Tarihi : Ocak 1996

Yayıncı : International Labour Office (ILO)

Tür : Kitap

Kitap No : 1993


Aims of the manual
Significance of women's employment Structure of the manual . .
Women in the economy: Critical concerns and strategic objectives
Concerns and basis for action
Critical areas of concern and strategic objectives
• The supply side of the labour market
• The demand side of the labour market
• Discrimination and cumulative disadvantage
Implications of the changing environment for action
Demographic trends
Structural adjustment and economic reforms: Positive or adverse for women workers?
Globalization and the international division of labour . . Technological transformation and women's employment
Integrated and comprehensive strategies for action
Main types of action for enhancing women's economic position . . .
• "Gender-blind" and "gender-neutral" policies and programmes
• Mainstreaming and women-specific activities
• Anti-discrimination legislation and positive action
• Specially-targeted interventions
• Protective measures: Helping or hindering women?
• Distinguishing the biological and social differences
between women and men
Why the need for integrated and comprehensive strategies? Promoting employment, ensuring labour rights,
supporting disadvantaged groups

Creating a supportive legislative and regulatory framework
Harmonizing work and family responsibilities
Fostering positive socio-cultural attitudes and perceptions
Ensuring gender-sensitive macro and sectoral economic
and social policies
Strengthening institutional structures and administrative mechanisms . Empowering women
Increasing the visibility of women in the economy
Enhancing the quality of female labour supply
Importance of investing in education for women Improving education for girls and women
Training and retraining for women
• Action at the national level to improve training for women
• Improving training provided by employment services
• Improving training for women in self-employment
and the informal sector
Improving women's access to employment opportunities
Harmonizing work and family responsibilities for women and men . . . Putting women in touch with employment opportunities
Helping women to gain equal access in recruitment
Helping women to move to jobs
Promoting jobs and employment for women Introduction
Removing discrimination in access to jobs
• An equal employment opportunity policy
• Positive action
Improving women's occupational choices Creating employment opportunities for women
Subsidized private sector employment
Public sector employment
Direct wage-employment creation schemes
Self-employment and entrepreneurship development for women Credit schemes for self-employed women

Quality versus quantity of employment for women
Equal pay for work of equal value
Promoting occupational safety and health for women workers Improving security in non-standard employment
Freedom of association and the right to organize and
bargain collectively
Deregulation: Good or bad for women's employment?
Do women need protective legislation? Guidelines for review .
Social security and social protection for women workers
Social protection for women in employment
Protection for women in precarious economic situations
Protection for women as mothers