International Migration Statistics

Kitap : International Migration Statistics

Yazar : * R.E.Bilsborrow * Graeme Hugo

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Türk Dış Göçü

Yayın Yeri : Geneva

ISBN : 92-2-109517-7

Yayın Tarihi : Ocak 1997

Yayıncı : International Labour Office (ILO)

Tür : Kitap

Kitap No : 1896


Chapter 1. The need to improve international migration statistics
A. Purpose and scope of this book
B. Major findings and limitations of this book
Chapter 2. Concepts underlying international migration statistics
A. Citizenship
B. Residence
C. Time
D. Purpose of stay .
E. Place of birth
F. Considerations in the assessment of international migration statistics .
G. Framework for the identification and classification of international migrants
H. International migration and economic activity
Chapter 3. Data collection systems concerning all international migrants
A. Population censuses
B. Population registers
C. Registers of foreigners
D. Administrative sources
E. Border statistics
Chapter 4. Data collection systems concerning labour migration . . .
A. Work permit statistics
B. Reports by employers
C. Statistics derived from the control of contract labour migration by countries of origin
D. Statistics derived from regularization drives


Chapter 5. Data collection systems providing information on asylum-seekers and refugees
A.Dynamics of change of the refugee population
B.Statistics derived from the provision of assistance
C.UNHCR practices regarding the gathering of statistics on refugees . .
D.Statistics on asylum-seekers
Chapter 6. Design of surveys to investigate the determinants and
consequences of international migration
A.Use and limitations of existing sample surveys
B.Design of surveys for the analysis of the determinants and consequences of international migration
C.Sample design
D.Other data collection approaches relevant for international migration .
F.Content of questionnaires in surveys to analyse the determinants
and consequences of international migration
Questionnaire for surveys in countries of destination and origin . . .

Chapter 7. Measurement of remittances . . . . .
A Definition of remittances in the system of national accounts and in the balance of payments
B.Problems involved in measuring migrants' remittances and other international transactions relative to international migration . . .
C.Financial flows at the micro-level: Remittance data from household surveys
D.Concluding remarks

Annex 1. Model questionnaires for country of destination
A.Household questionnaire
B.Individual questionnaire
C.Community-level questionnaire
Annex 2. Model questionnaires for country of origin
A.Household questionnaire
B.Individual questionnaire


Guidelines For Improving Data Collection Systems