Basic Facts About The United Nations

Kitap : Basic Facts About The United Nations

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Politika

Yayın Yeri : New York

ISBN : 92-1-100793-3

Yayın Tarihi : Ocak 1998

Yayıncı : United Nations

Tür : Kitap

Kitap No : 1701


List of acronyms
Foreword by the Secretary-General
Chapter 1:The United Nations: Organization
United Nations Charter Purposes and principles Membership
Official languages . . .
Structure of the Organization
General Assembly
Security Council
Economic and Social Council
Trusteeship Council
International Court of Justice Secretariat
Budget of the United Nations
The United Nations Family of Organizations
UN Programmes and other Bodies
Specialized Agencies and other Organizations
Chapter 2: International Peace and Security
The Security Council . The General Assembly Peacemaking Peacekeeping

Cooperating with regional organizations Strengthening future peacekeeping . . .
Embargoes and sanctions . , Authorizing military action
Election monitoring
Building peace through development
United Nations action for peace
Southern Africa Central Africa Eritrea Somalia Liberia
Latin America and the Caribbean Haiti
Korean peninsula
The Middle East
South Asia subcontinent: India-Pakistan

The former Yugoslavia
United Nations role
Recent highlights
Containing nuclear weapons
Current priorities
Peaceful uses of outer space
Legal instruments
Office for Outer Space Affairs
UNISPACE conferences . . .

Coordinating development activities
Economic development
Official development assistance
Promoting development worldwide
Lending for development
Lending for stability
Investment and development
Trade and development
Agricultural development
Industrial development
Transport and communications
International postal service
Intellectual property
Science and technology for development . . .
Social development
Reducing poverty
Fighting hunger
Human settlements
Research and training
Population and development
Women's issues and gender mainstreaming . Assistance to children
Social integration
Uncivil society: crime, illicit drugs and terrorism Drug control
Crime prevention
Science, culture and communication . . . . .
Sustainable development
Earth Summit and Agenda 21 .........
Changing human behaviour
Action for the environment
Climate change and global warming . . . . .
Biodiversity, pollution and overfishing . . . .

Protecting the marine environment Meteorology, climate and water . . National resources and energy . . . Nuclear safety
Chapter 4: Human Rights
Human rights instruments
International Bill of Human Rights Economic, social and cultural rights Civil and political rights
Other conventions
Other standards
Human rights machinery
The United Nations Commission on Human Rights The High Commissioner for Human Rights
Promoting and protecting human rights
Major conferences
Right to development
The rights of labour
The struggle against discrimination
The rights of women
The rights of children
The rights of minorities . .
Indigenous people
Persons with disabilities . .
Migrant workers
Administration of justice . . Future priorities
Chapter 5: Humanitarian Assistance
Emergency relief coordination
Delivering assistance
International protection and assistance to refugees Palestine refugees

Judicial settlement of disputes
Progressive development and codification of international law
International trade law Environmental law . .
Law of the sea
Impact of the Convention
Deep seabed mining
Bodies established under the Convention . .
International humanitarian law
International Criminal Court
International tribunals
International terrorism
Other legal questions
International Trusteeship System Non-Self-Governing Territories
Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples
Western Sahara
East Timor
United Nations Member States
Growth in United Nations membership, 1945 1998 Decolonization
Territories independent since1960
Territories that have been integrated or associat with independent States since 1960 . .

Territories to which the Decolonization Dec still applies
Trust Territories that have achieved self-determination
Peacekeeping Operations: past and present . Budget of the United Nations
United Nations special observances
United Nations Information Centres, Services
and Offices
United Nations web sites
Related United Nations publications
Chapter 1
Amendments to the United Nations Charter Previous Secretaries-General
Chapter 2
Working Group on an Agenda for Peace . . Preventive deployment
Who commands peacekeeping operations? . The fight against landmines
Ongoing peacekeeping operations
Bilateral agreements
Multilateral disarmament and arms regulation agreements
UN Development Decades
The United Nations competitive advantage . Declining assistance to development
Africa - a United Nations priority
Foreign direct investment and development . Promoting fair trade
Protecting consumers
Facilitating global telecommunications . . . Recent major world conferences
World Summit for Social Development . . . Promoting food security
Victory over river blindness

The UN combats HIV/AIDS . . . Adequate shelter for all
Education for all ..........
The Population Conference, 1994
Chapter 4
Defining universal rights . . . . , The Beiijing Platform for Action ,
Chapter 5
Coordinating emergency relief . . Responding to emergencies Getting food to where it is needed
Chapter 6
Law of the Sea Convention, key features
Chapter 7
Territories to which the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples continues to apply (as of 1998)
Chapter 1
Growth of UN membership (1945-1998)
UN regular budget and staffing levels
The United Nations system
Principal United Nations Offices around the world .
Chapter 2
United Nations peacekeeping operations
Chapter 3
The Great Divide: North-South incomes
Trends in poverty in developing countries
Progress in child health: declining infant mortality
Chapter 5
People in flight


The UN Family of Organizations-Economic and Social Development-International Peace and Security-Universal Human Rights-Humanitarian Asistance-International Law-Disarmament-Decolonization