Contraceptive Requirements and Logistics Management Needs in Turkey
İÇİNDEKİLERTABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TABLES AND FIGURES (within text) LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. INTRODUCTION B. CONTRACEPTIVE REQUIREMENTS . C. LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT D. CONTRACEPTIVE MANUFACTURING E. THE ROLE OF THE PRIVATE AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL SECTOR IN FAMILY PLANNING SERVICE PROVISION AND IEC ACTIVITIES F. CONDOMS FOR STD/AIDS PREVENTION G. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER ONE -- INTRODUCTION A. THE UNFPA GLOBAL INITIATIVE B. POPULATION AND FAMILY PLANNING POLICIES IN TURKEY C. FAMILY PLANNING SERVICES D. DONOR ASSISTANCE CHAPTER TWO -- CONTRACEPTIVE REQUIREMENTS A. INTRODUCTION B. LONG-TERM FORECASTING METHODOLOGY 1. Proximate determinants 2. Method analysis 3. Other factors and variables 4. Cost estimates of commodities C. PROJECTED LONG-TERM COMMODITY REQUIREMENTS, 1993-2002 1. Projection 1 2. Projection 2 .................................... CHAPTER THREE -- LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT A. THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH CONTRACEPTIVE SUPPLY SYSTEM . . 1. Forecasting 2. Procurement 3. Initial handling 4. Distribution from Central Warehouse 5. Present plan for improving the logistics and management information systems 6. Quality assurance B. SSK/SEATS C. OTHER ORGANIZATIONS CHAPTER FOUR -- CONTRACEPTIVE MANUFACTURING A. GENERAL ISSUES B. QUALITY ASSURANCE C. ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES D. CONDOMS 1. History 2. Current status E. INTRA-UTERINE DEVICES F. INJECTABLES CHAPTER FIVE -- PRIVATE AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL SECTOR A. COMMERCIAL SALES AND CONTRACEPTIVE SOCIAL MARKETING 1. Condoms 2. Oral contraceptives 3. Other contraceptive methods B. ATTITUDES REGARDING CONTRACEPTIVES AND THE ROLE OF PHARMACISTS C. PRIVATE PRACTITIONERS D. THE PRICE OF CONTRACEPTIVES E. THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF CONTRACEPTIVE SALES . . . F. THE ROLE OF NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS IN FAMILY PLANNING SERVICE PROVISION AND IEC ACTIVITIES 1. Family Planning Association of Turkey 2. Human Resource Development Foundation 3. Foundation for the Advancement and Recognition of Women . . 4. Confederation of Tradesmen and Craftsmen 5. Turkish Family Health and Planning Foundation G. OPPORTUNITIES TO INCREASE NGO INVOLVEMENT IN FAMILY PLANNING SERVICES 1. Potential for innovative service provision 2. NGOs' ability to reach important target groups 3. NGOs as providers of IEC on family planning H. CONSTRAINTS TO INCREASED NGO PROVISION OF FAMILY PLANNING SERVICES CHAPTER SIX -- CONDOMS FOR STD/AIDS PREVENTION A. INTRODUCTION B. SCOPE OF THE NATIONAL AIDS PREVENTION PROGRAMME C. OTHER HIV/AIDS PREVENTION AND CONDOM PROMOTION ACTIVITIES D. FORECASTING CONDOM REQUIREMENTS FOR STD/AIDS PREVENTION CHAPTER SEVEN -- FINANCIAL ANALYSIS A. INTRODUCTION B. SOURCES OF FUNDING FOR CONTRACEPTIVE COMMODITIES C. THE NATIONAL SERVICE DELIVERY INSTITUTIONS 1. The Government 2. Social security coverage 3. Non-governmental organizations 4. The for-profit private sector D. CONTRACEPTIVE COMMODITIES WITHIN EXPENDITURES ON FAMILY PLANNING E. FUTURE COMMODITIES COSTS BY SERVICE DELIVERY SECTOR F. REGIONAL ACCESS TO CONTRACEPTIVE SERVICES G. CONCLUSIONS APPENDIX: PROJECTION 2 ........................................ REFERENCES PERSONS IN TURKEY CONTACTED BY THE MISSION TABLES AND FIGURES (within text) TABLE 1: Demographic indicators for Turkey,1993-2002 TABLE 2: Projection 1, method mix, 1993-2002 TABLE 3: Projection 1.number of women 1 5-49, percentage and number married, percentage and number of users of contraception, 1 993-2002 TABLE 4: Projection 1, number of users of modern contraception, by method, 1993-2002 TABLE 5: Projection 1, number of acceptors of modern contraception, by method, 1993-2002 TABLE 6: Projection 1, contraceptive consumption for each method, 1993- 2002 TABLE 7: Projection 1, contraceptive costs public-sector prices, 1993-2002 . . . TABLE 8: Difference between projections 1 and 2 in users of modern methods and costs of contraceptive commodities, 1993 and 2002 TABLE 9: Summary of contraceptive stocks and movement, Ministry of Health, 1992 TABLE 10: Summary of contraceptive stocks and movement, Ankara Province, 72 outlets, Ministry of Health,1992 TABLE 11: Funding for contraceptives by source, service provider and method, 1990-1992 TABLE 1 2: Proportion of total contraceptive quantities provided, by service delivery sector, and by method, average 1990-1992 TABLE 1 3: Total expenditures for family planning services, by provider and source, 1990-1992 FIGURE 1: Family planning expenditures by function (excluding the commercial sector), 1990-1992 TABLE 14: Estimated share of contraceptive distribution by method, for each service delivery provider, 1 996 TABLE 1 5: Estimated costs of contraceptives provided through each sector 1 990- 1992 and projected costs 1993-1996 TABLE 16: Selected demographic and social indicators, and Ministry of Health distribution of contraceptives, per 10,000 married women of reproductive age, by region, 1990-1992 |