The Rights Of Migrant Workers
İÇİNDEKİLERCONTENTSA. PREFACE .................. B. RIGHTS OF MIGRANT WORKERS (a) Before leaving the home country and during the journey to the new country. i) Information about working and living conditions ii) Recruitment iii) Contracts iv) Facilitated departure v) Medical care vi) Free travel (b) On arrival i) Customs exemption ii) Assistance in finding suitable employment iii) Settling in (c) During employment i) Wages and other terms of employment ii) Working conditions iii) Job security iv) Promotion v) Social security vi) Health and safety vii) Trade union rights viii)Acess to courts ix) Access to other jobs and vocational training x) Freedom of movement (d) Social and civic rights i) Education and culture ............ ii) Transfer of funds to home country iii) Family reunification and visits .. iv) Advisory services (e) Repatriation i) Appeal against arbitrary decision ... ii) Travel costs iii) Assistance with arrangements ........ iv) Rights of returning migrants in home country C. PROCEDURES IN RESPECT OF NON-OBSERVANCE OF ILO STANDARDS (a) Arrangements for the general supervision of standards i) Periodic reports by governments ..... ii) Special reports iii) The Committee of Experts iv) The Conference Tripartite Committee v) The Freedom of Association Committee (b) The role of trade unions i) Information for members ii) Relations with governments and employers iii) International trade union organisations iv) Relations with the ILO (c) Constitutional provisions regarding the non-observance of ILO Conventions i) Articles 24 and 25; text and commentary ii) Articles 26 to 29; text and commentary APPENDIX I: Articles and paragraphs of international labour Conventions and Recommendations referred to in the text APPENDIX II: Some useful ILO publications APPENDIX III: Numbers and titles of international labour Conventions and Recommendations concerning migrant workers APPENDIX IV: List of countries which have ratified inter national labour Conventions Nos. 97 and 143. NOTLARA guide to ILO standards for the use of migrant workers and their organisations |