Health Aspects of Child Labour
Kitap : Health Aspects of Child Labour
Dil : İngilizce
Bölüm : Çocuk Emeği
ISBN : 90-5383-531-8
Yayın Tarihi : Ağustos 1996
Tür : Kitap
Kitap No : 162
İÇİNDEKİLERIntroduction Health Aspects of Child Labour
Sjef Teuns, Jaap Mulder
Kuala Lumpur Resolution 1996
Introduction workshop
Physical and Mental Health of Working Children. Gaps in our Knowledge and
Challenge for the Paediatricians
P.M. Shah
Safety and Health of Working Children
Valentina Forastieri
Understanding the Health Needs of Working Children
Philista Orcyango, Margaret Lynch
Child Workers and Health Hazards. A Situational Analysis of the Health Aspects of Child Workers
Bijli Mallik
Child Labour, Child Health and the Rights of the Child
Jaap Dock
Child Labour, a Challenge for Paediatricians
B. Sinniah
Reports of the workshop discussiongroups
Discussiongroup I:
Health Care of Working Children; Interventional Strategies for
Expanding Programmes
Discussiongroup II:
"Working Children's Physical and Psychosocial Health Care;
Research Needs"
Discussiongroup III:
"Working Environments: Children and Risk Factors"