Visual display units:Job content and stress in office work
İÇİNDEKİLERCONTENTS Introduction.Focus of the study Methodological approach 1. The changing nature of office work Origins and context of data-entry work The rationalisation of office work: scientific management. The mechanisation of office work. Modern data entry: equipment and tasks Keypunching Word processing. Present and future extent of data-entry jobs. 2. Data-entry work: Work organisation and working time Work organisation and job content............... Autonomy, responsibility and control............ Workload, work intensity and work pace Skills and careers .......................... Social support and communication. ............. Working time .............................. Normal hours of work ...................... Overtime ................................ Shift work ............................... Part-time employment....................... Rest pauses .............................. 3. Health, safety and ergonomic aspects of data-entry workplaces The working environment............................ Lighting. ...................................... Noise. ........................................ Ventilation and humidity. .......................... The data-entry work station .......................... The VDU screen. ................................ The keyboard................................... Furniture and work station configuration ............... Effects on the worker of poorly designed work stations....... Visual discomfort................................ Postural discomfort. .............................. 4. Data-entry work and occupational stress. Myths about stress at work. .......... Sources of stress .................. Visual display units: Job content and stress in office work Work organisation and job content factors...................... Interaction of work organisation and job content factors............ Working time........................................... Remuneration and incentive systems. .......................... Working environment factors. ............................... Interaction between working environment and work organisation factors The role of individual differences. .............................. Age. ................................................. Sex, marital status and socio-economic situation .................. Skills and qualifications. ................................... Personality and work attitudes. .............................. Effects and consequences of occupational stress .................... Immediate physiological, psychological and behavioural effects. ....... Long-term medical consequences ............................. Long-term psychological consequences......................... Long-term behavioural consequences .......................... Relationship between conditions of work and life outside work ....... 5. The potential to improve data-entry work ......................... Introduction .............................................. Alternatives to keyboard-based data entry ......................... Character recognition ...................................... Voice recognition ......................................... Improvements in physical working environment, equipment and office layout Physical working environment................................ Equipment.............................................. Office layout. ............................................ Improvements to full-time data-entry work ........................ Work organisation and job content ............................ Working time............................................ Improvements through recombination of tasks and work design ......... Work organisation and job content ............................ Working time............................................ Participants in the process of change ............................. The role of government..................................... the role of management.................................... The role of trade tnions .................................... Figures 1. Percentage of workers reporting selected health symptoms "almost daily" by longest time worked on VDUs without a break, Canada, 1980. .......... 2. Ways in which stress can contribute to heart disease.................. Acknowledgements For permission to reproduce copyright material, grateful acknowledgement is due to following: Dartnell Corporation, Chicago (example 1, p. 17); John Wiley and Sons, New York Chichester, United Kingdom (example 2, p. 18); Christine Davis and Online Publications, Uxbrii United Kingdom (example 3, p. 19); CLC Educational Services (formerly CLC Labour Educai and Studies Centre), Ottawa (figure 1, p. 43); Thomas Nelson and Sons. Walton-on-Thames, Un Kingdom (figure 2, p. 95) Abbreviations ANACT Agence nationale pour 1'amelioration des conditions de travail (France] BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics (United States) CHD coronary heart disease CLC Canadian Labor Congress CRT cathode ray tube EDP electronic data processing EEC European Economic Community FIET International Federation of Commercial, Clerical and Technical Employees MICR magnetic ink character recognition MT/ST Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (United States) OCR optical character recognition OMR optical mark recognition RF radio frequency TUC Trades Union Congress (United Kingdom) VDT visual display terminal VDU visual display unit NOTLARISBN: 92-2-105084-X (hard cover) |