İÇİNDEKİLERContentsPreface 1. Introduction: Trends in urban poverty and labour market access, by Gerry Rodgers I. The urban poor and the labour market II. Urban poverty and rural poverty III. The identity of the urban poor IV. Labour market structure and the insertion of the poor . V. Recession, labour markets and poverty VI. Concluding comments 2. Urban poverty, labour markets and regional differentiation in Brazil, by Jorge Jatoba I. Introduction II. Growth and urban poverty: The regional dimension HI. Evolution and structure of urban employment and labour markets . . IV. Urban poverty and labour markets: Observable relationships and trends V. The scope for labour market policy interventions 3. Poverty and the labour market in Costa Rica, by Molly Pollack I. Introduction II. The macro-economic context HI. Methodology IV. Poverty and the labour market: 1971-82 V. Poverty in 1979 and 1982 VI. Poverty and labour market insertion in 1982 VII. Conclusions 4. Poverty and labour market access in Guatemala City, by Rene Arturo, Orellana G. and Ricardo Avila Avila I. Introduction II. The social formation III. Economic trends IV. The economically active population, employment and wages . V. Poverty and incomes in Guatemala City VI. Poverty and employment in Guatemala City VII. Formal and informal sectors VIII. Qualitative aspects of the labour market insertion of the poor I.. Conclusion: Strategies and policies to overcome poverty . . 5. Labour market performance and urban poverty in Panama, by Daniel Camazon, Guillermo Garcia-Huidobro and Hugo Morgado I. Socio-economic background II. The extent and characteristics of urban poverty III. The role of the Welfare State IV. The role of the labour market V. General conclusions 6. Poverty and the labour market: Greater Santiago, 1969-85, by Molly Pollack and Andras Uthoff I. Introduction II. Macro-economic aspects III. The magnitude and characteristics of poverty in Greater Santiago IV. Conclusions 7. Urban poverty and labour supply strategies in Jakarta, by Hans-Dieter Evers I. Introduction II. Incomes and poverty III. Labour supply strategies among the urban poor IV. Conclusions 8, Trends in poverty and labour market outcomes in the Metro Manila area, by Ruperto P. Alo»zo I. Introduction II. Trends in urban poverty incidence III. Concurrent trends in labour market outcomes IV. Concluding remarks 9. Poverty and employment characteristics of urban households in West Bengal, India: An analysis of the results of the National Sample Survey, 1977-78, by Pranab Bardhan I. Introduction II. Labour force characteristics III. Levels of living and wages IV. Poverty and employment of women V. Summary 10. Vulnerable workers in the Indian urban labour market, by John Harriss I. Introduction - Concepts and theory II. Trends in population, labour force, wages and poverty III. Evidence on the segmentation of labour markets and its implications IV. Conclusions NOTLARaccess to jobs and incomesin asian and Latin American cities |