Population Studies A Journal of Demography
İÇİNDEKİLERCONTENTSJOHN N. HOBCRAFT Eugene Grebenik - Obituary MARK SPOERER The compensation of Nazi Germany's forced and JOCHEN FLEISCHHACKER labourers: Demographic findings and political implications P. N. MARI BHAT JOHN C. BROWN and TIMOTHY W. GUINNANE General growth balance method: A reformulation for populations open to migration Fertility transitions in a rural, Catholic population: Bavaria, 188O-191O MICHEL GUILLOT VIOLETTA HIONIDOU KENNETH A. BOLLEN JENNIFER L. GLANVILLE and GUY STECKLOV PETER J. DONALDSON The dynamics of the population sex ratio in India, 1971-96 Why do people die in famines? Evidence from three island populations Economic status proxies in studies of fertility in developing countries: Does the measure matter? The elimination of contraceptive acceptor targets and the evolution of population policy in India Book Reviews |