Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health

Kitap : Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health

Yazar : * --

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sağlık-Güvenlik-Çevre

Yayın Yeri : Danimarka

ISSN : 0355-3140

Cilt : 24-3

Periyot : iki aylık

Yayın Tarihi : 1998

Yayıncı : Finnish Institute of Occupational Health

Tür : Süreli Yayın

Kitap No : 1405


CONTENTS - volume 24, suppl 3,1998
3 New work times are here - are we ready? Harma M
Invited papers
7 International regulations on the organization of shift work Kogi K
13 Innovative worktime arrangements Knauth P
18 Is there an optimal sleep-wake pattern in shift work? Akerstedt T
28 Shift work and reproductive health Nurminen T
35 Individual and social determinants of shiftwork tolerance Nachreiner F
Original articles
43 Accident risk as a function of hour at work and time of day as determined from accident data and exposure models for the German working population Hanecke K, Tiedemann S, Nachreiner F, Grzech-Sukalo H
49 Shift length as a determinant of retrospective on-shift alertness Tucker P, Smith L, Macdonald I, Folkard S
55 Change from slowly rotating 8-hour shifts to rapidly rotating 8-hour and 12-hour shifts using participative shift roster design
Smith PA, Wright BM. Mackey RW. Milsop HW, Yates SC
62 Effects of alternating 8- and 12-hour shifts on sleep, sleepiness, physical effort and performance Axelsson J, Kecklund G, Akerstedt T. Lowden A
69 Change from an 8-hour shift to a 12-hour shift, attitudes, sleep, sleepiness and performance Lowden A, Kecklund G, Axelsson J, Akerstedt T
76 Subjective alertness and sleep quality in connection with permanent 12-hour day and night shifts Gillberg M
81 Management of health and safety in the organization of worktime at the local level Jeppesen HJ, Boggild H
88 Knowledge-based support for the participatory design and implementation of shift systems Gissel A, Knauth P
(Contents continues on page 156)

(continued from back cover)
96 The significance of rota representation in the design of rotas Gartner J, Wahl S
103 A technique to take leave into account in shift-rota design Gartner J, Wahl S, Horwein K
109 Diurnal trends in mood and performance do not all parallel alertness Owens DS, Macdonald I, Tucker P, Sytnik N, Minors D. Waterhouse J. Totterdell P. Folkard S
115 Effect of bright light at night on core temperature, subjective alertness and performance as a function of exposure time Foret J, Daurat A, Tirilly G
121 Three-process model of supervisory activity over 24 hours Andorre-Gruet V, Queinnec Y. Concordet D
128 Shift work and sick leave
Kleiven M, Boggild H, Jeppesen HJ
134 Combined effects of shift systems and work requirements on customs officers Prunier-Poulmaire S, Gadbois C, Volkoff S
141 Effects of coping strategies, social support and work-nonwork conflict on shift worker's health Pisarski A. Bohle P, Callan VJ
146 The emotional impact of shift work on the children of shift workers Barton J, Aldridge J, Smith P
151 Guidelines for the medical surveillance of shift workers Costa G