Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
İÇİNDEKİLERCONTENTSReviews 393 Effectiveness of and compliance to preventive measures against the occupational transmission of human immunodeficiency virus E Roy, P Robillard Original articles 401 Nocturnal eating and serum cholesterol of three-shift workers M Lennernas, T Akerstedt, L Hambraeus 407 Silica dust exposure and lung cancer R-S Koskela, M Klockars, H Laurent, M Holo- painen 417 Job task and psychosocial risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal disorders among newspaper employees B Bernard, S Sauter S, L Fine, M Petersen, T Hales 427 Effect of individually chosen bedtheight adjustments on the low-back stress of nurses MP de Looze, E Zinzen, D Caboor, P Heyblom, E van Bree, P van Roy, HM Toussaint, JP Clarijs 435 Changes in ventilatory function in grain processing and animal feed workers in relation to exposure to organic dust E Tielemans, D Heederik, W van Pelt 444 Effect of occupational noise on the course and outcome of pregnancy A-L Hartikai- nen, M Sorri, H Anttonen, R Tuimala, E Laara 451 Urinary mandelic acid and hemoglobin adducts in fiberglass-reinforced plastics workers exposed to styrene M Severi, W Pauwels, P Van Hummelen, D Roosels, M Kirsch-Volders, H Veulemans 459 Exposure-response relationships in the formation of specific antibodies to hexahy- drophthalic anhydride in exposed workers HE Welinder, BAG Jonsson, JE Nielsen, HE Ottosson, CA Gustavsson Letters to the Editor 466 Sex ratio of offspring as a criterion of occupational hazard, with reference to welding WH James Meeting reports 468 Nordic work environment meeting T Leino 471 Announcements |