İÇİNDEKİLERPOPULATIONAND______ DEVELOPMENT REVIEW VOLUME 19 NUMBER 3 SEPTEMBER 1993 ARTICLES Theories of International Migration: A Review and Appraisal DOUGLAS S. MASSEY JOAOUIN ARANGO GRAEME HUGO ALI KOUAOUCI ADELA PELLEGRINO J. EDWARD TAYLOR Cultural and Economic Approaches to Fertility: Proper Marriage or Mesalliance? ROBERT A. POLLAK SUSAN COTTS WATKINS Will the Baby Boomers Be Less Well Off Than Their Parents? Income, Wealth, and Family Circumstances Over the Life Cycle in the United States RICHARD A. EASTERLIN CHRISTINA M. SCHAEFFER DIANE J. MACUNOVICH Contrasting Age Structures of Western Europe and of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Demographic Curiosity or Labor Resource? DAVID A. COLEMAN NOTES AND COMMENTARY Forecasting Survival, Health, and Disability: Report on a Workshop MICHAELI A. STOTO JANE S. DURCH DATA AND PERSPECTIVES Development of Towns in China: A Case Study of Guangdong Province LAURENCE J. C. MA CHUSHENG LlN ARCHIVES Julian Huxley on Population and Human Destiny BOOK REVIEWS Elza Bcrquo and Peter Xenos (eds.). Family Systems and Cultural Change RONALD FREEDMAN F. Eelens, T. Schampers,and J.D.Speckmann (eds.), Labour ampers, and J. D. Speckmann (eds.). Labour Migration to the Middle East: From Sri Lanka to the Gulf SHARON STANTON RUSSELL Donald J. Hernandez, America's Children: Resources from Family. Government, and the Economy PETER UHLENBERG John R. Gillis, Louise A. Tilly, and David Levine (eds.), The European Experience of Declining Fertility, 1850-1970: The Quiet Revolution MYRON P GUTMANN Short Reviews DOCUMENTS 'Women's Voices '94"-A Declaration on Population Policies Recommendations of the Arab Population Conference ABSTRACTS AUTHORS FOR THIS ISSUE |