Genus Volume LIII -n. 3-4

Kitap : Genus Volume LIII -n. 3-4

Yazar : * --

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Nüfusbilim

Yayın Yeri : Roma

Cilt : LIII

Periyot : altı aylık

Yayın Tarihi : 1997

Yayıncı : Italian Committee for the Study of Population Problems

Orijinal Dil : İtalyanca

Tür : Süreli Yayın

Kitap No : 7849


S.H. PRESTON, M. GUILLOT, Population dynamics in an age of declining fertifilty..........15
A. GOLINI, Demographic trends and aging in Europe. Prospects, problems and policies ......... 33
J. DE JONG GIERVELD, T. VAN TILBURG, L. LECCHINI, Socio-economic resources, household composition, and the social network as A determinants of well-being among Dutch and Tuscan older adults .........75
M. DAS GUPTA, D. NARAYANA, Bangladesh's fertility decline from a regional perspective ......... 101
M.F. AHMED, Estimation oflbirth rates and expectation of life at birth,vat national and district levels of Bangladesh - A critical comparison ........ 131
B. J. FEYISETAN, s. ASA, J.A. EBIGBOLA, Timing of births and infant mortality in Nigeria.......... 159
P. MIRET-GAMUNDI, Nuptiality patterns in Spain in the eighties ......185
H. ZHAO, K.V. RAO, Trends and dijýferentials in female contraceptive o g 1
steriization in the United States: what has changed? What has not? ...... 201
W.L. MARR, D.J. MCCREADY, Housing quality and affordability among female householders in Canada .......217
A.I. YAAKOUBD, La situation socio-démographique au Maroc a la veille del 'an 2000 ...... 245