Genus Volume XLIV -n. 1-2

Kitap : Genus Volume XLIV -n. 1-2

Yazar : * --

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Nüfusbilim

Yayın Yeri : Roma

Cilt : XLIV

Periyot : altı aylık

Yayın Tarihi : 1988

Yayıncı : Italian Committee for the Study of Population Problems

Orijinal Dil : İtalyanca

Tür : Süreli Yayın

Kitap No : 7830


Two models for microsimulation of family life cycle anda family structure.....1

JACQUES SILBER, On inequality before death and life table. Summary............... 25

JOHN C. BARRETT, A simple model for birth interval survival. . . . . 41

K. VANINADHA RAO - T.r. BALAKRISHNAN, Age at first birth in Canada a hazards model analysis................ 53

KILAMBI VENKATACHARYA - TESFAY TEKLU, Reverse survival methods of estimating birth rates under non-stable conditions . . . . . . .73

GIAN CARLO BLANGIARDO, A proposito dellîıjfetlo Cernubyl
portamento ripraduttivo della popolazione italiano: il caso della a Lombardia................. 99

Ahmad ALACHKAR - ISAAC W. EBERSTEIN, Income, fertility and economic development......................121

ROBERT E. WRIGIIT, The impact of income redistribution on fertility in Canada..........139

JULIAN L. SIMON - RICHARD J. SULLIVAN, More on imigrants earnings over time.....................157

GIUSEPPE DE BARTOLO, La déMograplıie des Minorités albanaises abre.Premier resultats..........177

VITTORIO CASTELLANO, Prospettıve dı una collaborazıone tra produtto utilizzatori informazione statistiea .. . . 19

BISHWA N. MUKIIERJICE . BARUN K. MLJKIIOPADHYAY, A study of digit preferenceand quality of age data in Turkish censuses . . . . . . 201

BAMIKALE J . FEYISEtAN - OLADIMEJI TOGUNDE Fertility and indices of womens status: a study of relationship in Nigeria. . . . . . 229

AKINRİNOL BANKOLE, Migration status and investment in rural productive activities: evidence from Oyo State, Nigeria . . . . . . . 249

MAHMOUD A. AL-BUSTAN - B.R. KHOLI, Socio-econonıic and demographic factors influenciııg breast-feeding among Kuıvaiti women . . 265

R. PRESSAT, The dictionary of demography (E. Lombartlo) s. . . . . . . . . . . 279

L. PETRIOLI, A. MENCHIARI, Model ferıility tables (E. Lombaro) . . . . . 281

M. FRAIRE, A. RIZZI, Elementi di statistica (C. Bielli) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282

A. RIZZI, Il linguaggio delle matricıILe applicazioni in economia, statistica nelle scienze sociali (M. Frairtt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284