Population and Development Review Cilt:39/2

Kitap : Population and Development Review Cilt:39/2

Yazar : * --

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Nüfusbilim

Yayın Yeri : New York

ISSN : 0098-7921

Periyot : üç aylık

Yayın Tarihi : Haziran 2013

Yayıncı : Population Council

Çevirmen : --

Tür : Süreli Yayın

Kitap No : 7557


.John Bongaarts
The implementation of preferences for male offspring

.Catherine Tucker and Jennifer Van Hook
Surplus Chinese men: Demographic determinants of the sex ratio at marriageable ages in China

.Rachel E. Goldberg
Family instability and pathways to adulthood in Cape Town, South Africa

.Jan Van Bavel and David S. Reher
The baby boom and its causes: What we know and what we need to know

.Data and Perspectives
S.K. Cowan on cohort abortion measures for the United States; T. Spoorenberg on demographic changes in Myanmar since 1983

Thomas Paine on a plan for a welfare state

.Book Reviews
Review essay by C.O Grada; reviews by E. Kaufmann,
L.Willmore, E.Lee, B.S.Low, and others

Productivity growth in global agriculture