Focus On Health Public Health in Health Services Restructuring

Kitap : Focus On Health Public Health in Health Services Restructuring

Yazar : * --

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Hekimlik

Yayın Yeri : Kanada

Yayın Tarihi : Şubat 1996

Yayıncı : Canadian Public Health Association Board of Directors

Orijinal Dil : Türkçe

Tür : Kitapçık

Kitap No : 5291


Executive Summaiy................................................................1-4
1.0 Public Health İn a Changing Environment......................1-5
1.1 An Opporcunity to Invest İn Health.........................1-5
1.2 Shifting the Focus.....................................................1-6
2.0 The Uniqueness of Public Health....................................1-6
2.1 Public Health; An Organİzed System of Practİce......1-7
2.2 The Historical Contributİon of Public Health..........1-7
2.3 A Unique Combination of Perspectives,
Skills and Knowledge................................................1-7
■ Focusing on Individuals and Communitİes
İn a Societal and Global Context.......................1-8
■ Buildirig Capacity in Individuals
and Communitİes to Improve Health................1-8
■ Facilitaring Communİty Mobilization
through Communİty Participation....................1-8
■ Embracing Promotion, Prevention, and Protection.........................................................1-8
■ Providing Disease Surveİllance and Control......1-9
■ Infİuencing the Orientation of the Health System Toward Health Outcomes.....................1-9
■ Building Partnershİps Among Sectors
at the Local Level..............................................1-9
■ Advocating for the Health of the Public............1-9
2.4 Summary..................................................................1-9
3.0 The Public Health Response to Restructuring Issues.......1-9
I Makİng a Difference in Health.................................1-9
1. Focusing on Health and the
Determinants of Health...................................1-10
2. Commitment to Healthy Public Policy...........1-10
3. Health Promotion, Disease Prevention and Health Protection: Essential Components.......1-11
II Skİlls and Knowledge Base......................................1-11
4. An Organİzed System of Practice
for Public Health.............................................1-11
5- Specialized Skills Required in the
Health System.................................................1-12
III Allocation of Financial Resources...........................1-13
6. Sources of Fundİng—the Public
and Private Sectors.........................,................1-13
7- Funding of Specific (Core) Health Services.....1-14
8. Shifting Resources to Health Promotion
and Disease Prevention....................................1-14
9. Funding Allocated on the Basİs
of Need-Population-based Funding................1-15
IV Governance and Management................................1-16
10. The Community's Role and Representation....I-l6
11. Health Services Management..........................1-16
12. Evaluating the Outcomes of
Health Services Restructuring.........................1-17
Summary-Public Health as a Full Partner
in Health Services Restructuring....................................1-17
4.0 Strategies and Resources for Positioning Public Health..1-18
4.1 Strategies for Public Health Workers......................1-18
4.2 Strategies for Provincial, Territorial and
National Pubüc Health Associations.......................1-18
4.3 Strategies for Decİsİon Makers................................1-19
4.4 Summary................................................................1-19
5.0 Conclusion....................................................................1-19
A. CPHA Working Group Members..................................1-21
B. Resource List.................................................................1-22
C. Strategies and Resources Contact List............................1-23
Figüre 1 - The Continuum of Health Services........................1-6
Figüre 2 - The Broad Determinants of Health........................1-8
Fİgure 3 -A Framework for Health Promotion....................1-12