Journal of European Social Policy

Kitap : Journal of European Social Policy

Yazar : * Emma Carmel

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Politika

Yayın Yeri : Londra

ISSN : 0958-9287

Cilt : 15-3

Periyot : üç aylık

Yayın Tarihi : Ağustos 2005

Yayıncı : Sage Publications

Orijinal Dil : Türkçe

Tür : Süreli Yayın

Kitap No : 4662


Developing child-care provision İn England and Germany: problems of governance □ Adalbert Evers, Jane Lewis and Bİrgit Riedel 195
Design and redesign of a quasi-market for the reintegration of jobseekers:
empirical evidence from Australia and the Netherlands
O Ludo Struyven and Geert Steurs 211
The European Social Model: an exercise in deconstruction □ Maria Jepsen and Amparo Serrano Pascual 231
The open method of coordination on pensions: an economic analysis of its effects
on penson reforms ü Martina Eckardt 247
European Briefing
Digest by Cecile Barbier, Caroîine de la Porte, Dalila Ghailani and Rita Baeten 267
Books Received 280


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