Women Entrepreneurs in SMEs Realising The Benefits of Globalisation And The Knowledge-Based Economy

Kitap : Women Entrepreneurs in SMEs Realising The Benefits of Globalisation And The Knowledge-Based Economy

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Kadın

Yayın Yeri : France

Yayın Tarihi : 2001

Yayıncı : OECD Publications

Tür : Kitap

Kitap No : 3475


M essage from Sally Shelton-Colby, Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD
Message from François Patriat, Secre'taire d'Etat aux PME,
au Commerce, â l'Artisanat et â la Consommation, France..............................
Women Entrepreneurs in SMEs: Key Messages.....................
Les femmes entrepreneurs â la tete de PME : leş idees fortes.
Part 1. Synthesis/Synthese
Chapter 1. Women Entrepreneurs in SMEs: Realising the Benefits of Globalisation and the Knowledge-based Economy: Synthesis by Miriam Koreen......................................................................................
Fostering an entrepreneurial culture for women: education, management training and societal values
Improving knowledge about women's entrepreneurship. Financing for women-owned businesses..........................
Increasing women entrepreneurs' participation in international trade and the global economy........................................................................
Conclusions and prospects......
Conference recommendations References...............................Chapitre 1. Les femmes entrepreneurs a la tete de PME : pour une participation
dynamique a la mondialisation et a l'e'conomie fondee sur le savok : synthese parMiriam Koreen..............................................................................................
Developper la culture de I'entreprise chez les femmes : education, formation et changement des mentalites.............................................................
Mieux connaitre I'entreprenariat feminin............................................................
Le financement des entreprises dirigees par des femmes...................................
Accroitre la participation des femmes entrepreneurs au commerce international et a I'economie mondiale..............................................................
Conclusions et perspectives................................................................................
Recommandations de la conference...................................................................
Part 2 : Selected Papers
Chapter 2. A Business Training and Development Programme to
Assist Micro-enterprises to Access the Global Marketplace
by Barbara Mowat.............................................................................................
Chapter 3. The Face of Women Entrepreneurs : What We Know Today
by Julie R. Weeks................................................................................................
Chapter 4. Improving Statistics on Women Entrepreneurs
by Andre Letowski..............................................................................................
Chapitre 4. Comment ameliorer la connaissance statistique des femmes chefs d'entreprise ? par Andre Letowski............................................................................................
Chapter 5. Statistics on Start-ups and Survival of Women Entrepreneurs: The Danish Experience by Peter B0egh Nielsen......................................................................................
Chapter 6. BancoSol and Financing for Women Entrepreneurs
by Kurt Koenigsfest............................................................................................Chapter 7. Best Practices for Financing Women-owned Businesses:
The Women'sGrowth Capital Fund and WomenAngels.net by Patty Abramson.................................................................
Chapter 8. E-commerce Technologies and Networking Strategies for Asian Women Entrepreneurs by Vivien Chiam............................................................
Chapter 9. Supply Chain Management and its Use as a Facilitator of International Trade for Women Entrepreneurs Susan Phillips Bari.............................................................
Chapter 10. Asian-born Women Entrepreneurs in Sydney: International Trade and Computer Technology by Angeline Low................................................
Chapter 11. Implementing the OECD Conference Recommendations: The Tsunami Project by Virginia Littlejohn .......................................................
Annex 1
Programme of the 2nd OECD Conference on Women Entrepreneurs in SMI
Programme de la 2eme conference de 1'OCDE sur les femmes entrepreneurs a la tetePME.......................................................................
Annex 2
Networking 2000: Women Entrepreneurs' Forum by Daniele Rousseau.......................
Maillage 2000 : Carrefour des Dirigeantes par Daniele Rousseau.........
Annex 3
Acknowledgements and Sponsors....................................