Management of alcohol-and drug-related issues in the workplace

Kitap : Management of alcohol-and drug-related issues in the workplace

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sağlık-Güvenlik-Çevre

Yayın Yeri : Switzerland

ISBN : 92-2-109455-3

Yayın Tarihi : Ocak 1996

Yayıncı : International Labour Office (ILO)

Tür : Kitapçık

Kitap No : 2282


1. General provisions
1.1 Objectives
1.2. Application and uses
1.3. Definitions
2. General duties, rights and responsibilities
2.1. General duties of competent authorities
2.2. General duties and rights of employers
2.3. General duties and rights of workers and their representatives
3. Development of an alcohol and drug policy for the workplace . . .
3.1. Cooperation between the social partners
3.2. Contents of an alcohol and drug policy
3.3. Assessment
4. Measures to reduce alcohol- and drug-related problems through good employment practices
4.1. Identification of working environment problems .....................................................
4.2. Corporate practices
4.3. Job placement of rehabilitated workers
5. Restrictions on alcohol, legal and illegal drugs in the workplace
5.1. Restrictions on alcohol
5.2. Availability of non-alcoholic beverages...........................
5.3. Restrictions on legal drugs
5.4. Restrictions on illegal drugs
5.5. Payment in kind
6. Prevention through information, education and training programmes ...................................
6.1. Effects of alcohol and drugs
6.2. Information about the working environment
6.3. Training for supervisors and managers
6.4. Training for workers' representatives .
6.5. Delivery mechanisms
7. Identification
7.1. Different types of identification
7.2. Testing
8. Assistance, treatment and rehabilitation programmes
8.1. Health character of alcohol- and drug-related problems
8.2. Job security and promotion
8.3. Coordinating assistance to workers
8.4. Reintegration ................................................................
8.5. Collective bargaining for treatment and rehabilitation benefits
8.6. Privacy and confidentiality considerations
9. Intervention and disciplinary procedures
9.1. Preference for treatment to discipline
9.2. Discipline and the role of the employer
9.3. Elaboration and communication of disciplinary rules
10. Employment discrimination
10.1 Principle of non-discrimination ...........
I. The development of an alcohol and drug programme for the workplace
II. Linkages between alcohol and drugs and the workplace: A selection of studies ...........................
HI. Effects of alcohol and drugs and indicators of potential problems
IV. Examples of delivery mechanisms concerning alcohol and drug programmes in the workplace..................................................
V. Guiding principles on drug and alcohol testing in the workplace as adopted by the ILO Interregional Tripartite Experts Meeting on Drug and Alcohol Testing in the Workplace, 10-14May 1993, Oslo (H0nefoss), Norway
VI. Selected bibliography of general and chapter-specific literature on alcohol- and drug-related issues in the workplace