Extending Social Protection

Kitap : Extending Social Protection

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Güvenlik

Yayın Yeri : Switzerland

ISBN : 92-2-110839-2

Cilt : 7

Yayın Tarihi : Ocak 2000

Yayıncı : International Labour Office (ILO)

Tür : Kitapçık

Kitap No : 2077


Table of contents
List of acronyms and abbreviations Preliminary note Modular structure
A. What does social protection mean?
A.1 "Working poor": excluded from formal social protection schemes
A.2 A framework of international labour standards A.3 Towards a broader definition of social protection
B. Approaches and strategies
B.1 Social protection for informal sector workers B.2 The case of homeworkers B.3 Programmes and experiences B.4 The Home Work Convention B.5 Options: What can be done?
C. Guides for action To summarize Bibliography