Beijing Declaration And Platform For Action

Kitap : Beijing Declaration And Platform For Action

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Kadın

Yayın Yeri : New York

Yayın Tarihi : Ağustos 2001

Yayıncı : United Nations

Tür : Kitap

Kitap No : 1622


Translating the momentum of Beijing
into action by Boutros Boutros-Ghali
PART ONE Beijing Declaration
PART TWO Platform for Action One Mission Statement
Two Global Framework
Three Critical Areas of Concern
Four Strategic Objectives and Actions
A. Women and poverty.
B. Education and training of women. . . .
C. Woyen and health.
D. Violence against women
E. Women and armed conflict
F. Women and the economy
G. Women in power and decision-making
H. Institutional mechanisms for
the advancement of women.
I. Human rights of women.
J. Women and the media
K. Women and the environment.
L. The girl-child
Five Institutional Arrangements.
A. National level.
B. Subregional/regional level
C. International level.
Six Financial Arrangements.
A. National level.
B. Regional level
C. International level

Beyond Beijing: realizing gender
equality in the twenty-first century by Kofl Annan
PART THREE Political Declaration.
PART FOUR Outcome Document
/. Introduction
II. Achievements in and obstacles to the implementation of the twelve critical areas of concern of the Beijing Platform for Action . . .
III. Current challenges affecting the full implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action .
IV. Actions and initiatives to overcome obstacles and to achieve the full and accelerated implementation of the
Platform for Action


Beijing+5 Political Declaration And Outcome Document